
SSAS has been actively involved with SIRD (Security Industry Regulatory Department – Singapore Police Force) in the SIF (Security Industry Forum) committee. The SIF committee set the standards and licensing for all security officers, private investigators, security provider and security agencies.

SSAS was also invited to be one of the member of Industry Security Training Committee (ISTC) established by WDA to look into the current and future workforce trends in the security industry.

SSAS also actively involved in Specialist Trade Alliance of Singapore (STAS)

  1. To develop and improve the standards of conduct and professionalism of trade and specialist contractors and suppliers in the building and construction industry;
  2. To develop and improve the standards of fair trading and commerce in the building and construction industry;
  3. To develop and improve the relationship and co-operation between and amongst member of the Association and with parties related to the building and construction industry; and
  4. To promote and enhance high standard of safety practices in the building construction industry.

SSAS also sit in the committee as a member together with Spring Singapore, Police (Radio Division), ACES, HDB, IES, ITE and TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd in setting new standards and procedures for Intrusion alarm Systems and Central Monitoring System in order to meet the Singapore Standard SS558:2010 Code of Practice for construction, installation, operation and maintenance of intruder alarm systems (formerly known as CP59).

SSAS is involved in SSA Singapore Security Alliance, a joint initiative by

  1. Security Systems Association of Singapore. SSAS
  2. Asian Professional Security Association (Singapore), APSA
  3. ASIS International (Singapore)
  4. International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners (Singapore), ISCPP
  5. Conference & Exhibition Management Services Pte Ltd, CEMS SSA is a platform to forge and build stronger ties amongst the security community in Singapore. All four associations are co chairman and CEMS is the secretary/ coordinator for SSA.

SSAS, Spring Singapore & Ministry of Manpower has together developed the National Skill Recognition System (NSRS) for the Industry who will be assessing the relevant skill of the specific industry. The Association is collaborating with PSB to set up the NSRS for the security industry. This will ensure that we can benchmark workers against the industry’s standard and recognize the skill of our workers. A committee has been formed with the kind assistance of PSB to kick-start this event. Meetings were held to identify the objectives and to set standards for skills and development plan. The Industry Skills Standards Committee (ISSC) formed has introduced and approved the following guidelines for the Security Industry.

  • Training & Assessment Systems
  • Industry Functional Map
  • Units Of Competence
  • Identification of skills standards
  • Monitor of Data Collection

Currently, SSAS has sent few members to assist Spring Singapore to review and revised on the training modules.

SSAS has signed an MOU with ITE and is working closely to work on the curriculum for NITEC and Higher NITEC

SSAS is a new member of SCCCI (Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Members can enjoy the benefits of SCCCI activities and courses provided.