Ethics Practice
- We will contribute to a safer society with the best of our abilities and using our technical knowledge to educate the public and to improve the electronic protection industry.
- We will increase and deliver benefits to our customers by improving our skills through continuous upgrading.
- We will maintain the highest level of professionalism and upkeep the security industry’s standard and reputation.
- We will provide quality services to our customers at all time.
- We will ensure employees are empowered with the knowledge and sound understanding through proper trainings to provide better customer service and establish desirable working relationship.
- We will adhere to the Singapore Labour Law in terms of labour employment and ensure that expertise will be maximized regardless of race, creed, gender or age.
- We must be prepared to provide professional advancement opportunities for employees in the electronic protection industry by assisting them to acquire additional technical knowledge and competency and provide sponsorship for potential candidates of professional alarm practitioners.
- We will maintain a wholly professional attitude towards those whom we serve, those who assist us, other firms in the industry, member of other professions and the practitioners of allied arts and sciences.
- We will respect the practice of other firms in the electronic protection industry but will expose without hesitation conduct which may be unethical.
- We will carry out our profession in accordance with the Singapore Code of Practice Number 59 and other applicable Code of Practices by PSB and other professional bodies.